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Live Culture + Probiotics

Live Cultures+ Lab4 Probiotics provides comprehensive digestive wellbeing support. Each capsule of high-potency Lab4 Probiotics® contains 25 billion live bacteria, with four important strains of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium. Microencapsulated, stable and acid-resistant, this clinically studied blend is proven to reach the gut alive, restoring balance between good and bad bacteria. Added vitamin A (as beta-carotene) supports gut barrier integrity. Plant-based Aquamin® calcium aids digestive enzyme production and acts as a non-bloating FOS-free prebiotic, assisting bacteria through the harsh stomach environment and supporting gut colonization.*

Each bottle contains 30 capsules, providing a 1-month supply.

Directions: Adults: 1 capsule daily with food. Do not exceed the stated dose

Active ingredients:

Lactobacillus acidophilus CUL60;

Lactobacillus acidophilus CUL21;

Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. Lactis CUL34;

Bifidobacterium bifidum CUL20;

Prebiotic Aquamin;


Vitamin A (as beta carotene)

Our Brands

Beauty & Body Care

We believe in supporting your skin with products that are made from natural ingredients. The skin is the body’s largest organ, protecting it from microbes and elements. It is also porous, meaning it absorbs anything you apply on it. We are thus careful in sourcing brands that avoid synthetic ingredients and harmful additives such as Parabens, SLS and phthalates. None of these brands are animal tested with a large number also suitable for Vegans.


We believe in supplementation of key nutrients to ensure that the daily requirement is reached at any age.

We are careful in choosing companies that source and use only the best ingredients, ensuring high quality products by manufacturing to the industry recognised GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) standards.

A number of our supplements are free from dairy and gluten, with some also being Vegan.


We care what you put on the table and serve your loved ones. Therefore, we choose our brands carefully ensuring no hidden ingredients, substitutes, colourings or additives.
Traceability is key to ensure that you, our customer, can rest assured you know exactly what you are consuming and paying for.